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Ex-Tech Explosion-Proof product solutions | Engineeringshop.ng

Red Led PB125N Industrial Safe Area Push Button in Stainless Steel

The PB125 is a stainless steel pushbutton which has been approved for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and harsh environmental conditions.
Typical applications are Oil and Gas, On-shore and Offshore, Chemical,Petrochemical,Refineries & Marine locations.

It is ideally suited for use in fire alarm systems.

The PB125 is compatible for use with a PLC,DCS and ESD systems via 4-20mA output.
The design of this pushbutton allows for termination inside the unit.

email:sales@engineeringshop.ng for information on available options.

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The PB125 is a stainless steel pushbutton which has been approved for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and harsh environmental conditions.

Typical applications are Oil and Gas, On-shore and Offshore, Chemical,Petrochemical,Refineries & Marine locations.

It is ideally suited for use in fire alarm systems.

The PB125 is compatible for use with a PLC,DCS and ESD systems via 4-20mA output.

The design of this pushbutton allows for termination inside the unit.

More Information
Manufacturer EX-TECH
Part No PB125NRL
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