05 Dec The Importance of Personal Protective Equipment in Workplace Safety
What is PPE?
For the purpose of a general reminder, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can easily be defined as ‘equipment’ (inclusive of clothing and other gear) that is intended for use by a personnel at work to protect the user/wearer against health or safety risks [Health and Safety Executive].
PPE use is widely recommended across a range of jobs and workplace environment. The PPE type for use varies according to the method, approach, working condition and regulation in different job functions. Examples include safety helmets, footwear, respiratory protective equipment, gloves, goggles, clothing, harnesses, etc.
How important is PPE availability at a Jobsite?
PPE curtails exposure to injury or harm present at jobsites. Several regulations e.g. the revised Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002 enforce the need for the provision and maintenance of PPE at jobsites. Typical legislation such as these ensure that employers compulsorily cover the provision of Safety PPE for the workplace. Likewise, each jobsite personnel has a duty regarding the use of the provided PPE. Although PPE availability at jobsites help, minimize the risk of injury or exposure to harm, they do not automatically provide complete defense, or wholly protect against the risk of an impending accident. For example, the picture above clearly indicates the level of fatal damage from a flying object this could have cost this jobsite personnel working without the use of a hard hat.
Avoid Purchasing ‘Low-quality Knockoffs’
Nonetheless, in providing safety PPE to enhance workplace safety, counterfeit products should be avoided. Inasmuch as it is commendable that a hard hat was provided and used as the picture shows, it clearly shows also that the safety helmet provided is of an inferior quality. Many a jobsite personnel has been seriously injured or killed by falling or flying objects at the workplace. Often this happens from scenarios such as this, where ‘fake’, low-quality ‘knockoffs’ and replicators have been purchased for use, or careless re-usage of a faulty PPE item which should have been discarded (as is recommended for this damaged hard hat too).
Selection of authentic Safety PPE products
EngineeringShop recommends authentic use of safety PPE products for every jobsite personnel. Selection of safety PPE products for use can also be better achieved according to the following set criteria:
- Choose products which are CE marked in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002 – Suppliers (e.g. Engineeringshop.ng) can advise you
- Choose equipment that suits the user – consider the size, fit and weight of the PPE. If the users help choose it, they will be more likely to use it
- If more than one item of PPE is worn at the same time, make sure they can be used together, e.g. wearing safety glasses may disturb the seal of a respirator, causing air leaks
- Instruct and train people how to use it, e.g. train people to remove gloves without contaminating their skin. Tell them why it is needed, when to use it and what its limitations are [Health and Safety Executive]
EngineeringShop offers authentic range of safety PPE products including Eye and Face protection gear (i.e. Safety goggles, safety glasses, safety specs, eye shields, face masks), respiratory protection gear (Disposable respirators with/without valve, nose masks), Head/Face/Sleeve/Shoulder protection, Hearing protection (corded or uncorded ear plugs, ear muffs, ear defenders), Workwear (Chemical protective clothing, Boiler suits, jacket, trousers, Overalls/Coveralls/Bibs and Aprons), Electrical Safety products (dielectric gloves and shoes), etc.
Purchase original, durable safety gears and reduce exposure to fatal injuries at your jobsites.
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