Marine products on EngineeringShop
“Don’t miss out! Valves from Guidi Marine Products”

It's time to look at that Valve set-up. Now that you've selected EngineeringShop as your trusted maintenance, repair and operations/overhaul spares platform ***being that we know you can count on us 😉*** Let us help you with that valve setup by serving you with the Guidi marine products...

EngineeringShop x John Guest Speedfit
👨🏼‍🔧EngineeringShop Specials: Introducing John Guest Speedfit Plumbing and Heating Technology👩🏼‍🔧

John Guest Speedfit collection. The "Push-fit people" - John Guest Speedfit unique pipe and plastic plumbing products are now available on EngineeringShop. John Guest Speedfit are leaders in push-fit plumbing systems used in hot and cold plumbing water services and central heating applications (including pressurized and combo systems with copper pipe). The...